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Video Shoppe is our Video Rental POS Software.
For more information about Video Shoppe, visit our web site at http://www.vmtsoft.com

Friday, January 13, 2012

Gift Cards are Done

The gift cards are done. We have tested them and we're ready to release 9.2 of Video Shoppe (our DVD Rental Software).
Because our gift cards are in a closed system, the stores will order their gift cards with their artwork from us. There are no fee's except for purchasing the cards themselves. The system is safe because it is obvious that the card is from your store. And if a card swipe doesn't work, we have software that will enable you to simply transfer a bad card to a good card.

With the gift cards now in place, we are releasing 9.2 of Video Shoppe. Of course those that get 9.2 will get free interim updates until 9.3 for free.

As a side effect of the gift cards, we changed the tendered totals so you can see the cash, checks, credit cards, debit cards, and gift card totals for each drawer in the summary or detailed cash reports (the report you do at the end of each shift or day).

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